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A lucky rider who grabbed one of the first all-new KTM 1290 Super Duke GT’s, Sheyne posted these drool-worthy pictures on the KTM AUSTRALIA Facebook page and we knew we had to meet him. He talks about what riding means to him and how he finds the adrenaline express 1290 Super Duke GT.

KTM Bike:
KTM 1290 Superduke GT


How long have you owned your KTM?
Whilst it has only been one wet week with the bike I have already ridden 400km on it. I went out with some buddies last weekend. Both on new sports bikes and both mentioned the pain they had in their wrists as they adjusted to riding their new mounts. My feeling is that the GT is built with comfort and speed and it’s built to eat a lot of miles in comfort.

Favourite riding destination:
Areas around the Hawkesbury River in NSW. Lots of sharp corners, farms, bushland and views

Best Riding Story:
Now in my (low) fifties I have been riding since I was 17. Mostly sports or sports/tourers. I have a lot of stories, some I best not tell!

The ones I remember best are the longer stints Brisbane to Sydney on Friday night and back on Sunday.

Or Adelaide to Sydney over four days along the Great Ocean road, with the Snowies thrown in or 2,500 kilometres in May with a buddy riding all over Northern NSW. The best stories are when you arrive home safe but elated. https://www.strava.com/activities/576615673

Best Riding “moment”:

I think the best road in NSW is the Oxley Highway from Wauchope to Gloucester by way of Walcha. This ride from the mid North coast winds its way through wooded forest and a plethora of 35-45 sweeping bends as it ascends the Northern tableland of New England. A quick fill up at Gingers during the climb and then coffee and cake in front of an open fire at the bike centric cafe The Royal Cafe.

Then a quick fast run back down through the Nowendoc Forest, Barrington and finish at Gloucester. This 500km ride is pure motorbike heaven. I rode this last in a few months back with a buddy on a cruiser and whilst I had a ball I decided a sports tourer would have made it three times the fun. I think being overtaken every ten minutes by sports bikes probably brought this realisation. See trip: https://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/1169035255

What is it that you love most about motorcycle riding? Maybe it’s a cliché, “the freedom, the thrill and the adventure”. Maybe it’s lining up the perfect corner, testing the edge of fun and bravery. Sometimes it’s just the relaxed roll with friends and comparing notes over a streak. It’s all of these and more.

Where to next with your 1290 Super Duke GT? The bike is really showing me it is a lot more than my 30+ years of experience, it’ flexibility, its torquey powerful engine and it’s fab handling. Its talents are immediately useable, but the real obvious issue is just how much more the GT has to give.

It is a fast Sunday sports bike, it’s a relaxed commuter, it’s a fun way to take the kids too footy. These are the obvious talents but it has me thinking, with the comfort of this bike and the cruise control maybe a run to Phillip Island or the great ocean road may be where it’s true talents lie.