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The event for you to experience all things KTM ADVENTURE is back with a 4-part series in 2019.


Taking place across the country from September to October, the 4-part series will include Western Australia on September 8, Queensland on September 15, New South Wales on September 22 and Victoria rounding things out on October 13.


RIDE KTM Adventure Days will offer riders the chance to demo the latest KTM adventure models in real-world conditions on a 25-minute test loop, plus they will receive a KTM goody bag and have a chance to take part in seminars on a variety of topics.


From Intro to Adventure Riding which includes tips on what to pack, what tools and spares to have and the best riding gear options, to riding tips from specialised adventure coaches, a tyre-changing demonstration and information on future KTM events and adventure coaching.


And it is the people behind the brand that help make KTM ADVENTURE what it is – so not only do those attending get to experience the above, they also get to meet and hang with KTM special guests Motonomad Adam Riemann (WA / QLD) and current ISDE World Champion and recent HATTAH Desert Race Champion Daniel Milner (NSW / VIC)!


Demo rides will take place every half hour between 9.00am to 3.00pm at each event and pre-booking through the RIDE KTM website is essential.  Information on the seminar schedule can also be found on the RIDE KTM website, so you can plan your day.


Models available for demo will be the MY19 790 Adventure, 790 Adventure R, 1090 Adventure R, 1290 Super Adventure R and 1290 Super Adventure S, enabling riders to define what exact machine suits them best within the hugely-capable KTM adventure range.


To register for the RIDE KTM Adventure Day near you, click here.


Registrations for the event are $50.00 per person, however non-riding plus-ones are welcome to attend, just advise upon booking your test rides if you would like to bring a friend.


RIDE KTM Adventure Days 2019 events:

September 8 – Westdale, Western Australia

September 15 – Woodford, Queensland

September 22 – Belanglo, New South Wales

October 13 – Gisborne, Victoria